JioMart, the online grocery service operated by Reliance Retail and Jio Platforms, has launched its mobile app for Android and iOS. The development comes days after Reliance Industries Limited Chairman, Mukesh Ambani announced new plans for its JioMart platform at the company’s annual general meeting. JioMart is Reliance’s take on Amazon, Flipkart, and other e-retail channels in the country. Reliance announced JioMart a few months ago, soon after it revealed its deal with tech giant Facebook. After testing the e-commerce retail platform for months now Reliance has finally released JioMart app.

JioMart with WhatsApp:

“JioMart and WhatsApp will be working closely to create growth opportunities for millions of Indian small merchants and enable customers seamlessly transact with kirana shops,” Ambani said at the AGM meet. Ambani also said that JioMart is currently available in 200 cities in the country and the company is accelerating the roll-out. He also announced that JioMart has reached 250,000 orders a day with numbers growing with every passing day.

“In the very near future, JioMart – Jio’s digital new commerce platform, and Whatsapp – will empower nearly 3 crores small Indian Kirana shops to digitally transact with every customer in their neighborhood. This means all of you can order and get faster delivery of day-to-day items, from nearby local shops,” Ambani said after signing a deal to sell 9.9 percent stake Reliance’s Jio platform to Facebook.

Ambani said that at the core of the partnership is the commitment that Mark Zuckerberg, founder of Facebook, and he shares for the all-round digital transformation of India and for serving all Indians.

“Our partnership will be a great catalyst to make India the world’s leading Digital Society. The combined power of Jio’s world-class digital connectivity platform and Facebook’s intimate relationship with the Indian people will offer innovative new solutions to each one of you,” Ambani said.

All in All, In Future Jio gonna lead the Indian Telecom market as well as the Indian eCommerce market, and Jio gonna become an international company with a versatile business portfolio lead by tycoon Mukesh Ambani.

Jio is the future and Jio telecom and JioMart gonna lead that relly.